
It will hurt and pass: 4 questions about abdominal discomfort that concern each


Perhaps there is no person in the world who is unfamiliar with abdominal pain. Often her reasons are relatively innocent, which has given rise to a number of myths about why the stomach can hurt and what to do about it!

“Pobolit and pass”, “Drink a pill and lie down”, “We must eat right” - which of us has never heard in our address and never told others anything like that? Abdominal discomfort is such a common problem that we tend to dismiss soreness and other symptoms as something unpleasant, but not worthy of special attention. Today we will answer the four most popular questions about abdominal discomfort and related diseases!

Question 1: From time to time, my stomach hurts everyone. If the pain is not strong, is it worth it just to tolerate in the hope that it will pass by itself?

Discomfort in the abdomen really often goes away "on its own" - and just as often comes back! The thing is that with the help of pain, the body signals a malfunction in its work. Ignoring these urgent requests for attention, you run the risk of starting serious diseases that could have been prevented in time.

If your stomach is sick for the first time in your life, and you have not suffered from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system before, and if you generally do not complain about well-being, you, of course, may very well suffer slight pain (and it can even go away and never again to return). But, frankly, few people boast such excellent health in our time! Therefore, even if it seems to you that you can easily endure pain, do a favor to your body - listen to it.

Question 2: My stomach hurts sometimes. Is it true that with proper nutrition you can avoid exacerbation of gastritis?

Gastritis is, in simple words, inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Painful sensations in the stomach can most often be associated with the sensitivity of the muscle fibers of its walls and with impaired motor function. In this case, partially digested food can be thrown back into the esophagus or, conversely, remains in the stomach longer than it should be, which leads to unpleasant symptoms.

Unfortunately, frequent companions of functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract are belching, heartburn, nausea and pain, heaviness, discomfort ... To solve this problem, it is not enough just to eat proper nutrition and use medications that can only eliminate unpleasant symptoms (such as a means to relieve heartburn attacks or eliminating spasm) Often, drugs are needed to help normalize gastrointestinal motility. One such remedy is Colofort. With a course admission, it helps to normalize motility throughout the gastrointestinal tract and, as a result, helps to get rid of concomitant symptoms.

Question 3: Is it true that stress directly affects bowel function?

“Belly cramped with fear”, “butterflies flutter in my stomach with happiness” - you must have heard such words! The fact is that our intestines have their own nervous system. That is why our emotions are so easily reflected in digestion, and vice versa, the condition of the intestine and its microflora can have a direct effect on mood. Moreover, a significant amount of serotonin, known as the hormone of happiness, is produced in the intestine!

That is why one of the aspects of the treatment of functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract is a mild effect on the nervous system of the intestine. For example, Colofort can support the nervous system, helping to gradually reduce stress and discomfort. But keep in mind, this is a delicate mechanism that requires delicate tuning and careful handling, so the course of admission should be at least a month!

Question 4: Sometimes I have constipation. Could this be just a feature of the body?

Constipation is a very common problem, and sometimes people do not even suspect that they suffer from it, since it is usually believed that constipation is a difficult bowel movement. In fact, a change in the frequency and regularity of the stool, along with a change in the nature of bowel movements and a feeling of incomplete bowel movement, may be symptoms of functional bowel disorders.

Today, such a problem is often called "lazy bowel syndrome", but even under such an innocent name, constipation can in no way be considered a variant of the norm.First of all, because it can lead to rather serious consequences: an imbalance of vitamins and minerals, dysbiosis, constant bloating, various disorders of the digestive tract. In addition, skin problems can be caused precisely by constipation and impaired intestinal motility. In this case, no matter how expensive and high-quality your makeup will be, skin rashes will not go away until you solve the main problem that has become the root cause.

That is why it is so important to choose a drug that comprehensively affects the mechanism of the development of the disease. Such drugs include, for example, Colofort, which has several effects at once: antispasmodic, sedative, anti-inflammatory. With a minimum of contraindications, Colofort helps normalize the regulatory effect of the nervous system on the intestines, restore healthy motility and the natural rhythm of defecation.

In the first days of taking the drug, if you wish, you can combine Colofort with symptomatic agents that relieve acute conditions, such as pain or bloating.

In the hustle and bustle of everyday affairs, we sometimes close our eyes to health problems until they start to bother us seriously. However, well-being is not just a given, but also the result of timely self-care and attention to treatment and prevention of diseases.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones and be healthy!




Watch the video: 6 Causes Of Back Pain And Stomach Pain (January 2025).