
Rose - Queen of Flowers


You can endlessly enjoy the perfection of this flower! That is why the rose quite often plays a major role in perfume compositions and skin care products.

For face Rose oil is often added to the composition of cosmetics for skin care, as it is known that it evens complexion, eliminates wrinkles, normalizes the sebaceous glands, tightens pores and prevents moisture loss. From roses you can easily prepare masks and lotions yourself. For example, take 7-8 rose petals, rub them with your fingers, add 1/3 cup oatmeal, 4 teaspoons of honey and a little boiled water. Apply the mask on the face and neck for 30 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. Such an express procedure will help to quickly restore freshness to the face.
For body
Body cosmetics based on rose oil not only deeply moisturizes the skin, but also fights scars and stretch marks, promotes skin firmness and elasticity. Sorry to part with a beautiful bouquet? You can dry the rose petals, grind them in a blender and add to scrubs and bath salts. Or prepare a romantic bath of rose petals for yourself and your chosen one. And to enhance the beneficial effect and make the aroma more saturated, add essential oils of chamomile, rosemary and mint to the bath.
For the soul
The most popular among perfumers is a damask rose imported from the Middle East. In order to prepare a perfume, the petals are collected in the morning, from four to eleven o'clock, until the sun has changed the aroma of the flower.
Photo: PR
Material prepared by Julia Dekanova


Watch the video: BEAUTIFUL ROSE King of Flowers (January 2025).