


How many years we look in the eyes of others depends on behavior. Literally one gesture, a word - and added a couple, or even a dozen years. Or taken away.


Different jokers harass young girls much more often. Older women (even if they look very young), they calculate by the look and bypass. With age, a woman is much less embarrassed, blushes, looks away. But the answer may be that the hunt for jokes will disappear for life. These are all male sex hormones. Their number slightly increases over the years. Outwardly, this has a positive effect, but stiffness and directness appear in communication. Correcting such qualities is not necessary: ​​they provide new opportunities for communication (in particular, professional), but can be adjusted as needed. The role of a cute shy person goes to everyone, even those over 70. You should not replay it.

Selection of drinks

In youth, the majority of young ladies hate "this muck" - beer. And then we get a taste. Get used to it? No, we are in need. In beer, there are phytoestrogens - analogues of female sex hormones, the level of which in the body decreases with age. There is another pattern when choosing alcohol. The older the drink is less sweet. Partly consciously (sugar - extra calories), partly also due to changes in needs. Men celebrate this for themselves.Of the two women who are attracted, they will choose the one that drinks a cocktail, not vodka.


With age, the voice itself changes: its pitch, degree of sonorousness, and speech. The older the person, the slower, with large pauses between words, he speaks. The difference, of course, is not too great, but on a subconscious level, it is still noticed. The laughter is also different - over the years it becomes deeper in sound, pectoral. However, phonopaedists, phoniatrists, and vocal specialists warn: it’s dangerous to deliberately keep your voice young, speaking in a range unusual for your age. Due to the large load on the ligaments, it is possible to hoarse and get the opposite effect. You just need to take care of your voice, avoid an aggressive environment (tobacco smoke, gas, stress, hypothermia), then it will always be pleasant, sexy and young.


Over the years, the burden of worries is greater and our tread becomes harder. However, not only the internal state affects the gait, but also vice versa: the way we walk determines the feeling of age. Therefore, we straighten our shoulders, raise our chin, move smoothly. To make a beautiful walk a habit, we do exercises:

1. Lean against the wall tightly - 3 minutes, fix this condition, try to maintain it when walking.

2. Walk with a book on his head for 1 to 10 minutes. 3. Walk on toes for 10-15 minutes.

Quarrel behavior

The typical behavior of a woman in her 20s and 30s is to pack his things and tell him to clean his mother. With age, we are more inclined to understand everything and make peace. Out of fear of being alone? No, the real reason is concern.In youth, male problems do not bother us much. Nature makes every potential father see his children. So, you need to test your partner how suitable he is. Over the years, the attitude becomes more caring, even a little maternal: "Well, where will he go ... On the street it will rain, catch a cold." However, excessive participation makes a woman so much a mother that a man no longer sees his wife in her. So a little jabbering at any age will not hurt.

Personal care

In youth, we pay more attention to clothes, accessories (we examine them, correct them by the mirror). With age, we turn our attention to the face: we look appraisingly at the skin, the oval of the face, and “check” them during the day. A woman often touches her cheeks, as if stroking them, puts her palm under her chin, straightens her hair on her forehead. These gestures are unconscious and invisible to herself, but are captured by others. No matter how young a woman looks, such movements give out age. Self-reliance will help get rid of an “old woman's” habit - attractiveness changes over the years, but does not disappear.

The desire to catch everything gives age. Young calmly relate to the prospect of taking some time off, not rushing. Can slow down?

The article was published based on the materials of the magazine "Good advice" 8/2013

Text: Ekaterina Yuryeva. Drawing: Olesya Pechenina.

Material prepared by Julia Dekanova


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