
Patch gloves


In order not to burn yourself in a hot pot or pan, sew the oven mitts from colorful shreds. Choose them so that the design is original and fun - and the kitchen will look more colorful

Fantasy and fantasy again! Polka dot, striped, checkered, floral ... Cotton or linen ...

You will need:

For an oval tack: shreds of fabrics, oblique trim size. 1 x 25 inches, volumenfliz size. 10 x 10 inches, x / braid size. 3/8 x 10 inches.
For a rectangular tack: shreds of fabrics, volumenfliz size. 15 x 10 inches.
First, select the patches that inspire you to create an original design. Your tack should be colorful and unusual. Do you think you will not succeed? Tune in and give it a try!

How to prepare fabrics

Before opening all the shreds, wash at 40 degrees and iron. Then cut small pieces of different sizes so that they completely fill the area of ​​the oval tack (size 8 x 4 3/8 inches) or rectangular (size 7 x 6 ½ inches).
For the back of the tack, cut a one-piece flap of fabric + ¼ inch seam allowances for a rectangular tack.
Remove 2 parts from the volumeumen - this is usually enough to not burn your hands when cooking.

Oval Tack

Convert the tack sample on the left to the original size by doubled volumenfliz. Tissues of fabrics, tucking or not tucking the slices, stitch directly on one layer of volumeumen. Then stitch the front of the tack at 3/8 inch intervals.
Wash the prepared front side with the wrong side on the back side, laying another layer of volumetric flew between them. Turn the oval again and ¼ inch from the cut stitch along the contour of the oval. Trim protruding allowances.
For edging, sew an oblique trim with a в inch allowance to the front side, then wrap it on the wrong side. Tuck its edges there and sew it manually with small stitches.
From the cotton tape, make a loop for hanging. At one end of the braid, make a simple knot, resulting in a small loop. Place the braid in the middle of the back of the potholder and sew it across the entire width.

Rectangular Tack

Tuck the shreds and sew them directly on one layer of volumeumen. Stitch the front side. Cut the protruding fabric around the edges.
Paste the front side face to face on the back side, laying a volumeumen between them, and grind. Leave a 2 ¾-inch hole in the seam to unscrew.
Turn the tack and sew the hole with small stitches manually. If desired, grab a loop for hanging in the seam.


Instead of shreds of fabrics, you can take labels with labels from old clothes. They will give your potholes an original piquancy.Instead of the usual cotton braid for hanging, you can use a twisted cord or gift ribbon.

Inches and centimeters

Patchwork books often appear on sale, where sizes are given in inches. These books are usually written by English or American authors. Our materials are also transferable and often translation is carried out from English. For this reason, we give the dimensions in inches, and at the end of the instructions we provide a photograph of the ruler in inches and centimeters.
If you do not have a special ruler for a patchwork that measures the length in inches, then you can easily count all sizes in centimeters on it.
Photo: Mashiko from Patchwork Style by Suzuko Koseki
